

as if tomorrow is my jubli perak birthday...so this time entry i like to share sumthing...erm maybe this time entry akn menyinggung perasaan sesetengah individu yg kuat touching but hell with that..this is a tale of me..so whatever it'll be it was MINE!!!i am truly sorry at the very beginning...
yes indeed..it took me 25 years to perfection yet there is some lacking here n there...i mean it took me almost 25years for me to differentiate between KEPERLUAN dan KEHENDAK!!
ye aku mmg mengaku yg ak adalah shopaholic until i reach this age..ok tipu!!
hahaha..yg sebenarnye at this level of age akunye poket agk x brp nk kembung sgt r..there is tonnes of things that need me to commit with!!and it is monthly basis!!cait..
in other words yg sbtolnye sen kurang nk g shoping sana sini..cuba jek ko bg ak 10k and within 5hr i could spend the whole sum of it!!yeay baby...
tapi still r leh consider as sudah matang kn?huahuahu...
and seriously to look good u need this no!!at this age i am proudly announce yg my biggest dream had came true!!at this age sy mampu;
  1. own 2 kindys..one of it is 100% under my control and another one is under my program...
  2. bayar installment keta tiap2 bulan guna duit sdr..
  3. membayar yuran pengajian menggunakan duit sdr which cost me rm5750 per semester which make it rm11500 per year...oh bila la mara nk bg blk loan ak ni....
dah2 ler tu...nnt kang kalo ak tulis lg apa yg ak mampu org kata riak pulak..huahauah...xpsl ak pn menjadi mangsa rampokan..oh ye tp aku tetinggal part paling penting SHOPPING menggunakan duit sendiri!!!yeay!!!every single things on me is paid by me oh unless a few things yg my ML belikan..
sudah2 ler tu cik azni merapu balik kepangkal jalan semula....

so berbalik kita kepada entry ini..ye sepanjang pengamatan aku ler kan...the most birthday wishes yg we gained adalah setelah FB diperkenalkan..and thank to FB yg mengigtkan kita for our frens birthday...but what makes m wonder is why is it all the credit goes to whom that wish?shud be the credit goes to FB gak pasalnye kalo korg x bk fb tu jng nk harap ler ko akn igt birthday mmbr2 kn?xyah nk tipu r ckp ko igt stp hari kelahiran member2 ko tu...mmg x!!

tu satu hal..pas2 yg bestnye lg adalah...ucapan2 tu...yg membuatkan ak ni terpikir sesuatu...
ok contoh common ayat yg selalu guna adalah..'selamat hari jadi,dah tua dah ko!!'..helloooo...sedar x ayat memula tu mmg best selamat hari jadi...then tetiba da lak dah tua dah ko..eh apo kono eh jang..without saying that word those peeps yg celebrate bday mmg very aware on that matters yela even org kg aku cakap AGE IS JUST A NUMBER...tp tu suma ungkapan di bibir sahaja padahalnye kesinambungan ayat tu memainkan peranan yg penting...AGE IS JUST A NUMBER TO COUNT!!!!urghh..yes kita mmg semakin tua di dunia tp sedar x usia kita semakin muda ke akhirat?it is nice to remind about it but pls do it on some other time!!not on their birthday!!its a birthday so as a well-wisher we have to say something very nice and pray for all the goods!!!not on sumthing inappropriate like that..kalo x tau nk ckp pape cukup hanya dng ucapan 'selamat hari lahir/happy birthday'..as simple as that!!no need all those unwanted phrase der....

oh pls on my birthday do wish me good fortune supaya bila 44org mendoaka kekakayaan saya makanye saya akan menjadi org yg betul2 kaya!!oh bkn kaya harta jek tp kaya dng kawan2 yg ikhlas bersahabat!!wah what a great wish for me!!and kalo nk wish tu sila la wish berisi..jng ler wish kosong jek..hahaah...akhir kata dari aku terimalah...

yes..happy birthday to me..hapy birthday to me...happy birthday to meeeee....happy birthday to me......