

ok i am very aware yg most of malaysia's cinema skang ni
sedang dilanda cerita seram...
xkisah r seram serius ke lawak seram ke..
yang penting ianya adalah movie genre seram...
memula tu mmg r ak igt nk upload gambor antoo juga disini...
tp bila memikirkan ehem..ehem...(x la ak nk ckp ak penakut)
cumanye yela bnda xelok xyah ler ak nk show it off kn??

so berbalik pd tajuk entry ak ni..
just way back di tadika ku tadi..
one of my student bump with one of the species..
oh i just donno what was it...
but she was like can describe it in details...
i mean the ghost of cos...
that what more wonders....
she not telling us(teachers) directly but thru her frens...
so her frens yg mmg kepochi gurl ni pun trus r tanya teacher nye...
and tanpa membuang masa teacher ni pun terkedek2 r tanya dat gurl blk..
'auny nampak apa?ktne?'
then the gurl pun explain r...
nampak makhluk rambut panjang kerinting baju putih tengah mkn rumput dpn shoe rack..
OMG!!! teacher pun dng pantasnye r menjawab...
'no wonder my grass xpernah panjang'...
hahaha...kiranye sempat lagi r teacher melawak bodohkan demi utk menutup perasaan sendiri..

apabila mendengar cerita tersebut ak pun dng lantas terpikirkn...
bahawasanye aku akn tido di tadika n directly berdepan dng tmpt kejadian..
s**t!! dah r ak ni jns tdonye x tutup sliding door...
urghhh......so i'll have to check wether all those things is with me during my napping time...

  1. surat yaasin~ checked
  2. doa kursi~checked
  3. alquran audio~checked
  4. solat isya'~alemak lom nk bp checked g ni...

then suddenly i was like remembering one old good days..
once back my lil sis..i really meant the lil one...oh ye the bongsu one...
she having a fever for almost couple of month directly..
all gone the meds but still the fever is with her all the times...
from one clinic to another my dad brought her
but still her condition mcm tu gak...
then just after our cousins show us her one month old pix
i was realised 'something' is in the pix beside her!!
oh mana pergi gambo tu..kalo ada conpem ak upload...
and that 'something' mmg ada pun kat negative film...(oh ye knke dulu mana da digital camera so mmg lambat r nk dpt tgok gmbrnye)
siyes sh*t mmg cuak gk r tgok that pix...
and segala kerunsingan terjawab sudah la kn..
why my lil sis having that demam all those while...
ok aku mmg kurang kepercayaan sikit b4 this but all the evidence is infront me
plus mmg termaktub pn dlm kitabku~alquran
bahawanye selain dr kita manusia kita perlu percaya kepada kewujudan makhlus halus..
so believe it or not..
believe it.....

p/s: entry before sebenarnye credit to TEACHER AYU yg banyak mengambil gambarku...

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