
~moms can be so understanding~

here some story nk share with all the nemos out there..true story bout mother..well this times around my mother..

refer to previous n3, my mom memainkan peranan yg sgt penting dalam cooling down my dad's temper..ya,my dad is high tempered person but hey its normal if u r having a protected(some said overprotected) father like i did and a daughter behave just like me!!!heheheh...

b4 getting out i do ask permission for coming home a lil bit late than usual from my mom so she kinda think yang i ni akan sampai rumah around 10pm as if we ols kua pun dh around 3.30pm.well she soooo understanding but not my dad..mmg my dad dah pernah gave warning to us never comes home later than maghrib!!which mean we must in house b4 7pm..

at the time i getting out my dad mmg tiada di rumah so he doesnt know im going out.i just tell my mom and here all the things started..when he arrived homes so he kinda mad at me cos does not tell him at the first place.and he starts his 'lecture'(my dad is a lecturer so he is very well person when it comes to 'lecture' time) so my lil sis pun memainkan peranan menghantar msg yang berbunyi spt "k.long balik sebelum maghrib" then i replied dng berkata "kenapa ayah bising ke" and she replied me back "lebih dr bising...." and bla..bla..bla..n of this story.

so as if i told my mom earlier, she's worried la kan yela dah kata pun ak dh cakap nak balik lwt sikit so here it goes..my mom ajak my dad keluar ke rumah my aunty kt shah alam dng alasan "kesian bibik ersi nak jumpa bibik surani(mbak er ngn bibik surani sedara) plus i nak mtk bibik surani mengurut sikit(bibik surani very good in massaging)".whereas she's worried for me..hehehe..kiranye my mom ni x psl wat dosa cos membohongi suami demi anaknya..well i love u mom..

on the other side, i pun mereka la cerita "tula sajad pun dah worried cos dah kol 4pm xkan nk tgok wyg kot.nnt risau pulak ayah..(wah if only this thing comes from him) so we ols just kua mkn(pdhal xmkn pape pn) then dpt msg dr angah soh blk awal.punyala sajad takut yg org kena marah ngn ayah sampai makan pun x abis nak anta org blk"(so sori mom cos tpksa mereka this kind of story) i will never let the truth out!!....

pendek kata this kind of behaviour(mereka cerita) i gained from my mom..heheheh..

she's so incredible yet she's my mom!!!


Just read about something regarding FATHER and desperately need to share this thing cos memang TOUCHING giler!!siyes x tipu punya..FINGER CROSS!!!actually dah pernah read this thing back then but tu r time tu not that active in this blogging so definitely dont know the right path for sharing..so this time i can share the thing i like and it will be more after this..hehehehe~so back to this entry how can put this actually..well nemo nemo sekelian aku ni is a typical malay girl yang not used with feelings expression..nak nak lagi nak express to my AYAH...erm..i just donno...so melalui this channel juga(which i can guarantee that my AYAH wouldnt get through)i nak vowed that SAYA JANJI SAYA AKAN SAYANG AYAH SAYA SANGAT2 SAMPAI BILA2..before this kalo ada apa2 jek yang ayah cakap memang akan menyakitkan hati but then after i read this i noticed it now how much he LOVE me without showing it out!!well that is a FATHER actually..and this particular type of father yang dikurniakan oleh MY LORD to be as MINE!!so starting from now on i wouldnt give a damn on people criticize about him cos i know that HE WILL ALWAYS LOVE ME as her daughter!!!

Biasanya, bagi seorang anak perempuan yang sudah dewasa, yang sedang bekerja diperantauan, yang ikut suaminya merantau di luar kota atau luar negeri,yang sedang bersekolah atau kuliah jauh dari kedua orang tuanya...Akan sering merasa rindu sekali dengan ibunya..Lalu bagaimana dengan AYAH?

Mungkin kerana ibu lebih sering menelefon untuk menanyakan keadaanmu setiap hari, tapi tahukah kamu, jika ternyata ayah-lah yang mengingatkan ibu untuk menelefonmu?

Mungkin dulu sewaktu kamu kecil, ibu-lah yang lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita atau berdongeng, tapi tahukah kamu, bahwa sekembalinya ayah dr bekerja dan dengan wajah lelah ayah selalu menanyakan pada ibu tentang khabarmu dan apa yang kau lakukan seharian?

Pada saat dirimu masih seorang anak perempuan kecil.Ayah biasanya mengajari putri kecilnya naik basikal .Dan setelah ayah mengganggapmu sudah boleh menunggangnya, ayah akan melepaskan roda bantu di basikalmu .Kemudian Ibu bilang : "Jangan dulu ayahnya, jangan ditanggalkan dulu roda bantunya", itu kerana ibu takut puteri manisnya akan terjatuh lalu terluka....

Tapi sedarkah dikau?Bahwa ayah dengan yakin akan membiarkanmu, menatapmu, dan menjagamu mengayuh basikal dengan seksama kerana dia tahu puteri kecilnya PASTI mampu melakukannya.

Pada saat kamu menangis merengek meminta alat permainan yang baru, ibu menatapmu hiba.Tetapi ayah akan mengatakan dengan tegas : "Boleh, kita beli nanti, tapi tidak sekarang" Tahukah kamu, ayah melakukan itu kerana ayah tidak ingin kamu menjadi anak yang manja dengan semua tuntutan yang selalu dapat dipenuhi.

Saat kamu ditimpa sakit , ayah lah yang terlalu khawatir sampai kekadang sedikit membentak dengan berkata : "Sudah di beritahu! kamu jangan minum air sejuk!".Berbeza dengan ibu yang memperhatikan dan menasihatimu dengan lembut.Ketahuilah, saat itu ayah benar-benar mengkhuatirkan keadaanmu..

Ketika kamu sudah beranjak muda remaja..Kamu mulai menuntut pada ayah untuk mendapat keizinan keluar malam, dan ayah bersikap tegas dan mengatakan: "Tidak boleh!".Tahukah kamu, bahwa ayah melakukan itu untuk menjagamu?Kerana bagi ayah, kamu adalah sesuatu yang sangat - sangat luar biasa berharga..Setelah itu kamu marah pada ayah, dan masuk ke kamar sambil membanting pintu...

Dan yang datang mengetok pintu dan memujukmu agar tidak marah adalah ayah.Tahukah kamu,bahwa saat itu ayah memejamkan matanya dan menahan gejolak dalam batinnya, Bahwa ayah sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu, Tapi lagi-lagi dia HARUS menjagamu?

Ketika saat seorang teman lelaki mulai sering menelefonmu, atau bahkan datang ke rumah untuk menemuimu,ayah akan memasang wajah paling cool sedunia.... :') ayah sesekali menguping atau mengintip saat kamu sedang berbuall berdua di ruang tamu..Sedarkah kamu, kalau hati ayah merasa cemburu?

Saat kamu mulai lebih dipercaya, dan ayah melonggarkan sedikit peraturan untuk keluar rumah untukmu, kamu akan memaksa untuk melanggar jam malamnya.Maka yang dilakukan ayah adalah duduk di ruang tamu, dan menunggumu pulang dengan hati yang sangat khuatirdan bimbang.Dan setelah perasaan khuatir itu berlarut - larut.Ketika melihat puteri kecilnya pulang larut malam hati ayah akan mengeras dan memarahimu..Sedarkah kamu, bahwa ini kerana hal yang di sangat ditakuti ayah akan segera datang? "Bahwa puteri kecilnya akan segera pergi meninggalkannya"

Setelah lulus SPM, Ayah akan sedikit memaksamu untuk menjadi seorang Doktor atau Engineer. Ketahuilah, bahwa seluruh paksaan yang dilakukan ayah itu semata - mata hanya karena memikirkan masa depanmu nanti.Tapi ayah tetap tersenyum dan menyokongmu saat pilihanmu tidak sesuai dengan keinginan ayah.

Ketika kamu menjadi gadis dewasa.Dan kamu harus pergi kuliah dikota lain.ayah harus melepaskanmu di bandar.Tahukah kamu bahwa badan ayah terasa kaku untuk memelukmu? Ayah hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasihat ini - itu, dan menyuruhmu untuk berhati-hati.Padahal ayah ingin sekali menangis seperti ibu dan memelukmu erat-erat.Yang ayah lakukan hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya, dan menepuk pundakmu berkata "Jaga dirimu baik-baik ya sayang".Ayah melakukan itu semua agar kamu KUAT....kuat untuk pergi dan menjadi dewasa.

Disaat kamu kesempitan wang untuk membiayai perbelanjaan semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yang mengerutkan kening adalah ayah. Ayah pasti berusaha keras mencari jalan agar anaknya boleh merasa sama dengan teman-temannya yang lain.Ketika permintaanmu bukan lagi sekadar meminta alat mainan yang baru, dan ayah tahu ia tidak mampu memberikan apa yang kamu inginkan...

Kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Ayah adalah : "Tidak.... Tidak boleh!" Padahal dalam batin Ayah, Ia sangat ingin mengatakan "Iya sayang, nanti ayah belikan untukmu".Tahukah kamu bahwa pada saat itu Ayah merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum?

Saatnya kamu berjaya sebagai seorang sarjana. Ayah adalah orang pertama yang berdiri dan memberi tepuk tangan untukmu.Ayah akan tersenyum dengan bangga dan puas melihat "puteri kecilnya yang tidak manja berhasil tumbuh dewasa, dan telah menjadi seseorang" Sampai saat seorang teman Lelakimu datang ke rumah dan meminta izin pada ayah untuk mengambilmu darinya.Papa akan sangat berhati-hati memberikan izin..Kerana Ayah tahu.....Bahwa lelaki itulah yang akan menggantikan posisinya nanti.

Dan akhirnya....

Saat ayah melihatmu duduk di kerusi pelaminan bersama seseorang Lelaki yang di anggapnya mampu menggantikannya, Ayah pun tersenyum bahagia..Apakah kamu mengetahui, di hari yang bahagia itu ayah pergi kebelakang pentas pelaminan sebentar, dan menangis? Ayah menangis karena ayah sangat berbahagia, kemudian ayah berdoa....Dalam lirih doanya kepada Tuhan, Ayah berkata: "Ya Allah tugasku telah selesai dengan baik....Puteri kecilku yang lucu dan kucintai telah menjadi wanita solehah yang cantik....Bahagiakanlah dia bersama suaminya...rahmatilah kehidupan mereka Ya Allah"

Setelah itu Ayah hanya mampu menunggu kedatanganmu bersama cucu-cucunya yang sesekali datang untuk menjenguk...Dengan rambut yang telah dan semakin memutih....Dan badan serta lengan yang tak lagi kuat untuk menjagamu dari bahaya....Ayah telah menyelesaikan tugasnya....Papa, Ayah, Bapak, atau Abah kita...Adalah sosok yang harus selalu terlihat kuat...Bahkan ketika dia tidak kuat untuk tidak menangis...Dia harus terlihat tegas bahkan saat dia ingin memanjakanmu.Dan dia adalah yang orang pertama yang selalu yakin bahwa "KAMU MAMPU" dalam segala hal..

lOTS oF lOVe,

Mis Azni Azizan

Bilik Belakang Cemara 2...


its kinda good in having this blog so we can tell out loud our feeling in here.
i might be not in good in writing so rather be copy paste the lyrics that particularly similar dengan apa yg aku rasa right now..but i'll try to write my best..

awak tau x?
sejak 1st time kita jumpa
saya mcm suka kat awk
but then awk wat donno jek..

awk tau x?
bila kita start kawan
saya cerita a whole story bout myself
yela utk kita saling kenal mengenali
but then again its just come from one side
u never tell me bout urs!!

awk tau x?
bila u asking me a hand
once again i tell u what u really need to know bout me
saya xnak dituduh menipu n hope u can cope with it
but then its just in the beginning
before u show me ur true color

awk tau x?
saya xpernah maki org apatah lg someone yg sy syg
but then bila sy kena maki how could i stay silence?

awk tau x?
saya mmg xpernah pukul org even adik2 sendiri
but then when someone hit me how could i stay calm?

awk tau x?
saya calling awk dengan niat nak bermanja
dengan niat nak berkasih
dengan niat nak sharing something
but then once heard ur tone semua rasa hilang

awk tau x?
setiap kali we're having a problem
and we need a discussion
u keep on repeating saya suka wat kepala
but then awk sedar x yg awk akn monopoly our talk?

awk tau x?
awk selalu kutuk kwn2 saya
walaupun mereka xpernah badmouth psl awk
sebaliknye mereka sering puji awk!!

awk tau x?
bila awk hina saya dlm gurauan depan kwn2 awk
sy kecik at tp saya masih mampu utk tersenyum

awk tau x?
sy betul2 benci gaya awk mengata
mengutuk,memerli org
ye saya tau awk x kisah when people talk back
tapi saya kisah!!

dan awk sedar x yg kita semakin menjauh??
awk semakin kurang bertanyakan kabar saya
ajak dinner pun xde dah
kalo diri ini masih disayangi pls come back to me
cos i stil LOVE u and i MISS u so much
i miss the old behaviour of urs..
attitude yg sering buatkan saya tersenyum
buatkan tidur malam sy ditemani mimpi2 indah
juga buatkan saya sentiasa tenang..
BUT THEN if u have sumbody else utk disayangi
talk to me cos saya akan mengundurkan diri
menjauh dari hidup awk menghilangkn diri dr pandangan
cuma satu yg saya pinta let me bring our memories together....

with pain and tears on 6.06am
bilik depan taman jati indah

Mis Azni Azizan


This time n3 mighta b a lil different than previous n3 cos this time i nk share a thought wit nemo2 out there..bukan apa..quite surprising actually bila bc somebody's blog yg more to buruk memburukan with each other..Why on earth do we need to do such thing as that?

I am dazzled for that!!!What is the main function for having a blog if u guys keep on butt attacking??hello??like no other way utk frame out ur true feelings!!kalo berani face to face r beb..dun be butt attacker!!u guys worth much more than that!!rite??yela maybe thats what this blog is all about..well i myself frame out my feelings towards this blog but hey come on it is without any hidden agenda lies!!yes i admit i frame my feeling sumhow in here but that is it!!no butt attacking it is just calling out ur inner calls!!

In addition if anonymous read ur blogs(i mean both of them)just like me..hehehe actually i do read those two blogs..so it seems like having a lil confusions..seems like u having silent war between both of u.cos yela everybody keep on talking the good ways..time tula kunun x berharta,xde rupa paras and blah..blah..blah...it seems for me u r asking for peeps to sympathize..well hello...padahal everybody noticed that one of u trying so hard to look gr8!!i mean trying so damn hard to look gorgeous,by looking u as a daughter of sumbody,got loads of money to spend with ur travelling schedule and blah..blah..blah...

Whatever it is..U are URSELF!!never denies what lies on u!!be praised for what u r having!!stop pretending and acting like ur an angel if it is NOT!!be as true as u could ever be..live ur life as urs..and WORLD PEACE!!;)

Lots Of luv,
Mis Azni Azizan,
bilik depan rumah Taman Jati,


as if yesterday is the public holiday as announced by Ketua Menteri Melaka so with no where destination, me and my BF rumbling around Malacca.well mmg r memula tu xde intention utk ke Malacca just nak pergi somewhere near for our lunch destination.but then again after discussion(discus ke??)we heading to Malacca juga.

then parked the car at Hatten Square which is a new developed car park cooperate together with Dataran Pahlawan (source from AZNIWIKI).quite impressed la kan this parking lot because of the convenience for peeps with the same intention as us(tgok movie).this car park had a bridge that connect this Hatten Square with Dataran Pahlawan.

Back to the n3 title.after having a 'love quote' we decide to watch RED~Retired Extremely Dangerous movie that worth every penny spent!!dunno why but lately every movie that we watched is novel basis movie.same goes for this time.

RED~Retired Extremely Dangerous!!

So if u need something done right..Get the old guys to do it. Of course, it helps! if the old guys used to be cold-blooded Government killers. Mind u, not that those are bad things to have in a big-budget Hollywood action-comedy, but u should know what u're getting into.

Bruce Willis is Frank Moses, a retired wetworks operative (re: CIA hitman) who is living a solitary existence in his old age, spending his time finding excuses to call the perky and pretty Sarah (dont know her real name), who mans the Government pension hotline that sends Frank his checks. After a small army of killers try to take him out one night, Frank realizes that his past has come back to bite him in the ass. Not being one to sit idly by as high-tech assassins gun him down(mmg xkn dok diam r kan after ur house burned down tragically!!), Frank makes it his mission to uncover the cause of his sudden popularity, which means seeking help from his fellow retirees. The good-natured, happy-to-lucky Joe (Morgan Freeman), the paranoid Marvin (also cant recall his real name), and the classy British dame Victoria (Helen Mirren) are more than happy to lend a hand well hand might b not that exact word it is actually a machinegun or miscile. Also along for the ride is Sarah, who Frank claims has to come with him or else she might be targeted. Then again, maybe that’s just a lame excuse to get her to tag along, being that he really, really likes her and all(dok koyak cek pencen n claim that he doesnt received it yet!!).

The order to take out Frank comes from on high, forcing our hero to work his way through the CIA all the way to the very top. Trying to stop him is company man William Cooper (Karl Urban), essentially a younger version of Frank Moses. And like Frank, Cooper is happy to do his job for his country, until he starts to realize he may be chasing the wrong “bad guys”. Of course, until he gets to that point, Cooper is running around with an endless army of CIA goons trying to kill Frank, Joe, Marvin, and Victoria.to think he might noticed when frank's leveled 4 lung cancer and 80 years old Joe being shot even he does said hold ur trigger and not to shoot anyone!!Joining in on the fun is Brian Cox, who is amusing throughout as the Russian equivalent of our retiree heroes. Ernest Borgnine has a brief but memorable cameo as the CIA’s records keeper, while Richard Dreyfuss, Julian McMahon, and Rebecca Pidgeon round out the cast as the film’s bureaucratic asshole bad guys faction.

Honestly, if u go into “Red” expecting some serious conspiracy thriller, it’s really not the movie’s fault that you’ll leave disappointed. If you’ve seen any of the film’s trailers, or even read anything about it prior to buying your ticket, you must have known that this is a flight of fancy not to be taken seriously on any level. For God’s sake, Helen friggin Mirren is running around with an MP5 taking on a small army of Secret Service agents in a hotel kitchen.

So what are u guys waiting for booked ur ticket or start queuing up so that we can share a thought bout this movie..


feels like ages didnt jot anything..ntah ler nemo..ak ni bila mood blogging rajin ada le ak share sumthing..if not..well..heheheh..so for this n3 would like to share sumthing bout the latest movie.

1) LEGEND OF THE GUARDIAN~the owla of ga'hoole

While there are a lot of movies arriving this year, one of the ones I’m most excited to see is!!siap ak nk download but then again xde lg cos everything I’ve seen from the film leads me to believe this is going to be a special movie and something that’s going to surprise audiences!!which is soooo true!!basically this movie is based on Guardians of Ga’Hoole books by Kathryn Lasky.

The film follows Soren(so in the same species my own owls!!its tyto's), a young owl enthralled by his father’s epic stories of the Guardians of Ga’ Hoole, a mythic band of winged warriors who had fought a great battle to save all of owlkind from the evil Pure Ones.

While Soren dreams of someday joining his heroes(if im not mistake names lyze of kiel species owls yg kecik jek tp sgt hebat!!), his older brother(this one kalo u all read the subs adik si soren tp sbnrnye abg ye), Kludd(sgt jahat n sgt xsuka!!), scoffs at the notion, and yearns to hunt, fly and steal his father’s favor from his younger sibling. But Kludd’s jealousy has terrible consequences—causing both owlets to fall from their treetop home and right into the talons of the Pure Ones!!.

Now it is up to Soren to make a daring escape to help all the moonbling owlets including his own lil sis whom sold by their bro kludd!!with the help of other brave young owls(alamak x hengat r namanye if im not mistake again it is glympse the navigator,twilight the warrior,digger the tracker and not to forget Mrs P the nanny part ni mcm susah sikit nk caya r kn cos how come snake become the owlets nanny??sgt xlogik ok??) but together they soar across the sea and through the mist to find the Great Tree, home of the legendary Guardians—Soren’s only hope of defeating the Pure Ones and saving the owl kingdoms.

Wanna know more??U guys should go and see this greatest movie by your own!!!and nk lebih impact watch it on 3d!!guarantee from me?? money worth!!!not to forget i also upload some of their pix n what makes me regreted is xde pix ngn hero n heroin..

~ready to watch the 3D!!~

~nyra the evil queen even she's evil still comel giler!!~

~digger the tracker pun comel sgt~

~Kludd the rival brother~


In contrast with the OWLS movie this movie sucks!!dunno for u guys but for me totally out of range!!this is the heavy movie with the money conflict but for those who r wall street peeps or a traders might find this movie as epic for them but not for me!!

The original movie takes place way back in 1987 wow same age of me!!by maintain the original producers as well as actors in WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS, Gordon’s storyline runs parallel to the market crash but doesn’t intersect with it directly. The film opens in 2001, as Gordon is released from prison after serving a nine-year term for the extensive white-collar crimes we saw him commit in the first film. Nobody is there to meet him at the gates. Flash forward to 2008, when Gordon has parlayed his experiences into a best-selling book and a lot of speaking engagements. Ambitious and successful young stock trader Jacob Moore (Shia LaBeouf) seeks Gordon out, partly because Jacob is genuinely impressed by Gordon’s financial acumen, but mainly because Jacob is preparing to marry Gordon’s estranged daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan). When Jake’s professional home, the venerable firm of Keller Zabel Investments, is brought low by rumors, it has a devastating effect on Jake’s mentor Louis Zabel (Frank Langella). Jacob gets some advice from Gordon on how to get even with those responsible, which leads to some interesting interactions with current master of the universe Bretton James (Josh Brolin). Meanwhile, Gordon looks to Jacob to effect a reconciliation between Gordon and Winnie, who is extremely suspicious of her father’s motives.

ok la..dah terlalu banyak merapu dah ni..so guys happy watching!!


hye allz~alamak salah sudah..salam kpd semua..ha baru intro yg betol..heheeh~

my n3 for today nk cakap basi tu xde r juga but then kalo makanan tu dah da bau2 r..hehehe...ok b4 go thru the mumbling i just wanna wish all u guys selamat berpuasa(xbis g tau)..so nk story r sikit kt all the nemos out there pasal my recently activities during this fasting month..

alamak tapi mcm2 dunno where to start..well quite long ak x jotted down anything so mcm2 dh forget how to write..hehe~ ok so better start the n3...

Thursday 020910

on this day my class held an iftar event.lokasinya di tomyam klasik bukit beruang melaka..ala yg dekat dng IPK bukit beruang n MMU melaka tu..semua classmates joined this event which is unexpected for me..yela sepanjang2 ak belajau ni nemo xde le lg memana class yg semua studentnye fully cooperate..unbelievable??believe it la nemo..mmg happening r bila 30++ attended this event kn..oh lupalak my love SAJAD A. MAJID n also my other 2 housemates follow juga..alamak rasanye nemo ak ni xde citer lg psl housemate ak kn?ok b4 i go further lemme story sikit(sikit je yek)psl my housemates..

::since i'm no longer stay micet's hostel so ak pun menyewa r sebuah rumah yg begitu indah di TAMAN JATI INDAH,simpang 4,melaka..so mana ler ak ni mampu nk nyewa sorg2..so ada la lg 4org which makes all of us 5 in this house..3 of us is classmates(3bcbex)~dila n ziti..sorg g 5bcb~syima n sorg g 5bcfex~atiq(dia ni mmg my buddy since dip g)so far ni mmg kalo ak stdy kt micet ak akn sebilik ngn ye la..ok stop bout this

what make the day gloom a lil bit pslnye kami sampai lewat..so all the good food had gone..sedey gak nemo..yela dh r ak yg promote tmpt ni alik2 erm..smpi ada la bdk clas yg tls kt photo album tu servis x bagus..agk kecik at disitu hey but who cares??as long as we're together shud b no prob rite??yela janjinye kol 6 grk dr tmn jati but hell no..6.30 bru nk grk then pickup atiq di toll ayer keroh so it takes time r gk..wutever it is the food still there but not the great one..ok so njoy the pix ye...
~thx mates for make it on that nite~

~my table on the nite~

~ni ler housemates ak utk 2thn mendatg owh tp yg si purple utk sem ini shj~

~ni ler jelitawan2 di meja ku~

~ni ler kepalanye mlm tu..kalo kena rampok malam tu mmg kaya si pencuri..hehehe~

~photographer for my camera on that nite..thx sayang~

~gendang gendut tali kecapi kenyang perut suka hati..i'allah if possible will held this again next year~

ok to be continue..panjang sgt ni dah nemo oi..xlarat ak nk menaip g dah...

mom's kitchen!!!

hello there...
erk..rajin lak ak ni kan writing2 blog ni..well sementara da mud ni..erm n3 for this time also bekait rapat dng n3 yesterday..yela nemo tgh mud masak ni membara, so ak pn lyn kn ajer..and plus my mom tetiba jek ckp ptg td..that she already bought the daging yg ak request for my steak..hehehe..ok kalini agak lama r masa yg dispent kn didapur..cos beef nk kena marinated secukupnye ye...so apa lagi nemo..amik pen n kertas untuk tulis recipe 'beef steak terjah'...ops skang kan dah hight tech nye zaman..xperlu pen ngn kertas g dah..ko copy direct jek dr blog ak ni..apa ada hal...n kalini da r ak smpt snap sekeping 2 gambo time cook cook td...so here it goes...

bhn2 utk marinate ur daging:
  • daging itu sendiri, yela kalo xde daging xde r nama beef steaknye..cuma bahagian apa tepulang r pada poket sendiri..mak ak td beli daging pinang katanye..
  • mixed herb,dill,oregano(ni contoh r dill ngn mixed herbs nye)
  • chilli powder
  • oyster sauce(kalini ak ltk tp sikit je)
  • pepper(xksh r nemo black ke white jnji bukan paper kertas ye)
  • garam ikut suka rasa ko
  • olive oil
bhn2 sampingan yg xde side effect pn..
  • sayur pilihan hati.(ak lebihan syur smlm ada..so gunakan sajer..)
  • cheese(ni ikut korg r nk cheese yg mana satu)
  • butter(xde butter myk msk pn boleh)
  • mini potatoes(yg ni pilihan samada korg nk wt mashed potato or dimakan bulat2)
cara-cara nye adalah;
  • korg kna marinated the daging with all the thing i mentioned..
nilah hasilnye setelah dimarinate ye..
  • nk g best korg ltk je r dlm plastik beg spt yg ak wt...
daging yg diletakkn didlm plastik dan diperam selama bebrp jam di dlm chiller..ye igt ye nemo chiller shj bkn freezer ye...
  • then after couple of hours korg kuakn r daging tesebut dan korg boleh r grill..
  • for the veges tu ikut suka r nemo ko nk wt cmne pn...
  • n here u goes..ur beef steak terjah sudah siap utk dihidang dan dimentekedarah ye...
ops lupalak nk gtau kalo korg da m/w spt umahku yg boleh setup kpd grill korg cuma perlukn masa aroun 5-10mins only for grilled the beef ye or lese ianya akan overcooked!!so apalagi bon apetit!!!

azni azizan
bilik blkg umah saujana utama...


hello semua...cewah kunun mcm ramai jek yg follow aknye blog..padahal erm..xkisah la nemo...yg pentingnye sendiri tulis sendiri bace(kiranye utk kepuasan diri sendiri or aka selfish)..mlm ni tetiba jek mud nk masak singah...xcelli lama dh nk try to cook westernian ni...ritu time ke tesco da r hangkut sum of the things need utk wat steak...kununye setelah dibelanja my prince kt TGI kan..so i sorta thing that i can make it own my own...tp mengenangkan(eh btol ke i spell ni??)beef yg xdpt2 so x de r terjadinye lg my steak..think mighta b on next n3 kot..i'allah...so back to the topic...bila time mud nk msk ni tgh mencanak sementelah ak melihatkn shrimp yg kt cafeworld ak pn menerjah le ke dapur mak den tu ha..kebek punyer kebek jmpa r nemo udang yg x sbrp nk bsr tu..cukup r for the 1st trial...alamak.den lupa ler nk amik gambo time msk td..cait!!tau2 je dah siap..so agk2 da x sesapa nk recipe udang yg kunamakan 'udang terjah' ni..x kisah r nemo...ak nak bagi gak..sapa2 yg xnak jangan tengok!!

recipe utk UDANG TERJAH!!

bhn-bhn untuk marinated the udang ye:

  • seberapa byk udang yg nemo ada(ko buang le kulit n headnye ye tp bkn dlm tong sampah kedalam periuk untuk merebus sayur2 pilihan hati)
  • olive oil(ni kalo xde ko pakai r myk pe yg ko da)
  • lemon juice(ala kalo xde lemon ko perah je la limo nipis nemo)
  • oregano(ni ak men letak jek sebab terjmpa dlm kabinet mk ku)
  • pepper(xksh black or white cos i put both!!)
  • garam ikut suka tekak ko
  • lastly chilli powder(yg ni ak guna babas jek nemo pasalnye mak aknye)
  • lupalak tentang sayur pilihan(ak guna baby corn n brocoll).ok yang ni xyah r ko rajin nk marinate yek...

  • utk marinate the udang tu korg campur jek udang tu dng bhn yg disebut2 diatas kecuali part sayur pilihan ye..pas2 ketepikan..
  • pas tu ko rebuih la kulit udang td ngn air secukup rasa ko.
  • agak2 ianye sudah mendidih baru ko masukkn sayur pilihan hati. iya nemo ko jng nk rajin kuakan kulit n head udang tu ye...rebus sajer ianya skali dng sayur2 tersebut.
  • then tmbhkn la garam n olive oil pun ikut suka rasa ko...let it b a while before kuakan and basuhkan ianya dng air mengalir so that the sayur will stop cooking itself...ketepikan.ok time ni korg nk buang the head n kulit udang tu sukati r..
  • menggunakan periuk yg sama(ak ni mls nk bykkn bekas kt dapur..malas nk membasuh sbnrnye) ko tuang a few droplets of olive oil into the periuk
  • then ko campak r udang yg telah di marinated sebentar tadi ke dalam periuk tersebut..berserta dng airnye kerana air tersebut boleh la dijdkn sbg pencicah..
  • utk tmbh perisa ko tmbh r gula sikit..igt ye..sikit shj krn udang ni mmg sudah manis....
  • walla!!ur udang terjah sudah siap utk dihidang....
inilah hasilnye setelah setengah jam i berada di my mom's kitchen..UDANG TERJAH!!

well..masak kemen r setengah jam..hidang x smpi 10min k dh setle...disetlekan oleh ayahku n adik kecikku iaitu aisha!!erm mmg sedap r tu..(my dad ni xsdp pn kalo dh nama anknye msk abis gk tnpa byk komen)tp biasa r nemo..ak nye masakan mmg 1st time sedap..yg 2nd time...erm...tambah2 r sdapnye!!huahua..yela recipe byk tetinggal..kalo dah nama pn recipe terjah ni mmg xde maknaye r ak nk hengat!!so slmt menchoba r ye!!!

azni azizan
meja komputer bilik blkg cemara 2...


Hi there...
rasanye its being a long time since my last word..hehe..bukan apa aku ni nengok ke org ada blog nk juge..but then org rjn r update their blog but for me..hell no..i am not a writer...dats y r kot mmg hagak payah utkku menngupdate kn my blog...tp when the mood of rajins came inilaha hasilnye..hehhee....last saturday ak chill out ngn my bf somewhere in melaka ni..yela diketika rembang2 poket menunjukkn kekempisan makanye jenjln amik gambo je la yeop...we all kua be2 jek las week cos most of our fren blk kg..so ktorg ni ala2 dating r..heheh...tp dating ke?erm ntah r yg pasti kua mmg be2 saja..oh lupalak nk knlkn disebelah tu r my love..SHAHROSSAJAD ABD MAJID or lebih dikenali sbg SAJAD A. MAJID dlm fb nye..nk story sikit psl kami ni(cewah da ati gk nk enter da prame) we all start dating since 2006 n dis year genap r kami berkawan (ops kaver lak )berchenta...baru btol selama 4 yrs..wow kalo da ank dh leh register masuk my kindy ye..so alhamdullillah kekal smpi skang...mtk2 diizinkan lah olehNya jodoh kami berpanjangan..amin....
b4 menjalankan xtvt kami,isi r perot dulu..so disebelah ni r our luch for that day.nasiputih+telodadar+tomyamcampur. tomyamnye tu x sedap pn..ibarat kata sajad ceroi..katanye lagi sedap lagi yg kt OU(one utama) our feveret hanging place ever.tp yela perot dh berkeronchong kn nkxnk pgn licin gk r labu...huhu..tempat pegisian perut kami terletak di medan selera di mydin ataupun nama glemernye RASA village.walaupun kt mydin tp aku rasa medan selera ni jauh lagi berkualiti(dr segi kebersihan dan kecantikan)jika nk dibandingkn dng sesetenngah food court tu..kiranye xde r korg nk temuntah tgok tmpt nye..mmg high clasnye tmpt r tgl lg people there yg watknnye x bp nk da class...setelah pinggan pn licin ktorg pn berjalan2 didlm pasaraya mydin tersebut...walaupun berat hatiku tetapi terpksa juga melangkahkan kaki ini...(terbayang seandainye duit berkepuk pasti seronok pengembaraan ini).bila sudah puas berjalan kami pn heading to MIBC(malacca international bowling centre)tp yg mennye ak sorg..so xde r gmbo best pn.pas2 ktorg pn bergerak ke afamosa(kalini bknnye yg replika di alor gajah).so selamat menatap gambo2 nye ye...

~dia sayangku~

kurang pasti nama tmpat ni

di celah2 kota merah

masih di tempat yg sama

kalo wat kulit album pun layan juga ni..

di runtuhan gereja apa ntah namanye..kalo x salah st paul tp kalo x salah r ye...

ni kat tingkap ye lak

dah sorg mesti nak berdua lak..

cicak woman lak..melekap di dinding

xtau kenapa tapi hatiku rasa berdebar je time dok dlm runtuhan gereja ni~SERIAU~

tengah menganalisa tulisan di dinding

berlatarbelakangkan roundabout berhadapan ngn kota merah(xtau nama da)

posing ala2 model lak aku ni pun...


setelah sudah di kota merah ktorg tengok orang bermain layang2 di pesisir Laut Cina Selatan

agak kagum dengan kemajuan lelayang ni..dah da lampu...layang2 skang x mcm time aku dolu2..rangka guna buluh body letak surat koba je jang..xde warna warni..agak2 kaya sikit pakai r kertas warna tapi tu pun kalo wat yg kt sekolah r..

sebelom pulang dek kerana keiginan my love nk mkn asam pedas so we all stop r kt asam pedas kota laksamana.asam pedas kat sini mmg agak terkenal..org mmg xpernah kurang..even chinese pn ramai makan kt sini..bagi aku biasa2 jek..ak lg suka asam pedas awa (nenek) aku wat..tp sajad mmg suka giler...so harapannye ye lena r tido setelah pekena asam pedas tersebut....



xtau nk start cmne..jus to share some of my pic during cny recently...but b4 dat jus wanna brief da xtvts...

so well started from micet going back to my hometown SG BULOH...then drop by kat my kindy jus 2 peeping around..after that directly going home...and after a discussion bout some (i thinnk a big 1) issue, we decided going kg by da nex day....
as usual kalo dok kt umah mmg x sah rasanye if not going anywhere....my parents jus luv so much hanging out i dunno why...erm its questioning me all this time...first we went to jalan pasar..me also dunno what is the best part about it..but ayah told me that he like to watch all the people around there and plus there is a lot of fun things you guys can found it here...well for me its looks like a pasar mlm...and trust me we jus menyesakkan keadaan cos nothing to buy la...all the things there seems like 'made in chine' things...after that went to makan2 at restoran AYAM KAMPUNG located at KOTA DAMANSARA (this is ayah's fav)..so as da name itself i xyah nk elaborate more r kot cos of the specialty of the rest is AYAM KAMPUNG but dun wori..for those who like me, not eating all da AYAM KAMUNG stuff u also can find other menu there..and money worth la..then we moving to GIANT@TESCO SHAH ALAM(i couldnt remember which 1 cos these 2 is my mak's fav shopping place)..see what ayah done..

ayah wearing some army's child helmet

erm well kinda funny to see ayah wearing such a helmet...damn...huhu..but dats my ayah...
then before return home went to pick up ayah's bike cos ayah had met accident in front of our house (that is why i am not drive to micet)..

inilah rupenye motor yg baru kua dr workshop


arrived at kg(kuantan) around 1.30 a.m but then as usual if mak n cikda berjumpa so tido mmg r lmbt..we all tido around 4.30 a.m cos chit chatting about the issue again....erm dunno when does this issue will blah!!!and also all the bibik's pn tido lambat..well my new bibik (whom i called mbak ersi) baru nyampei di malaysia 2 ari and not yet see the senior bibik so jejak kasihan balik r...oh fyi all the bibiks in our family is relatively connected to each other..most of them conected via cousins r..hehehe...tu yg lama borak...
around 8-9 am our breakfast for that day is nasi lemak..but as if not our awa's cooks so sambal hampeh!!n yet i discovered its bibik surani cooks...so frustrated....but what can i say there is nothing in the kitchen cos awa being to KL and currently at SETIU (kinda jalan2 cari makan).normally bibik surani's cook is yummy but..ya what can i say..nothing in the kichen..cant blame her...then afternoon my cousin NADIA ask me for out to find her hantaran things..but its a CNY so lot of kedai closed!!so went to east coast mall jela...when perut got hungry we fuel up with me curry at PANTAI BATU HITAM..

waiting for the curry mee...

nowdays mee curry ni dah x sesedap dulu


today went outing with my lil sis..well there is no other place like one utama damansara (used to call OU) well we all dh so sgt2 familiar ngn this place since my school time lg. booking ticket tgok cite percy jackson and damn!!what a great movie it is...but b4 tu isi da perut dulu r kot..
my lil sis~ecah

alamak..how can i forget to snap the food..damn..mighta be very hungry that day so that is why x nyompek dah ha nk snap a pic..huhu...

think thats all from me now..till met again..da..

Mis Azni Azizan


thursday 11/02/10

dunno what shall i write to begin my blog..but think it best if to intro myself first...
this is me ~ M.I.S.A.Z.N.I

so which part should i start 1st..erm well name as in da blog..AZNI AZIZAN born on JUNE 25 at KUANTAN,PAHANG..growing up all over MALAYSIA..including SARAWAK..so kinda 'klaka swak juak mek tok' but last stop at SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR which i called my hometown...

the other 4...~angah~ayu~boi~adik

The eldest sister in 5..4girl and a boy..owned a kindergarten called TADIKA PRIMA PRISTANA or LC PRIMA PRISTANA..da owner of desirsakuraputih@yahoo.com which i used officially as my FB and FS email account..so feels free to add me up...

Having 3 Anggora rabbits..so kalo ye dh membiak sesapa yg berminat leh info me..erm wut else need to mumbling around here??i think thats all from me...see u soon i hope....so i can add on mana yang kurang...till my fingers meet da keyboard again...

Mis Azni