

ha camne?menarik x?
ini adalah hasil cupcakes yg diwat oleh sebahagian dr anak2 tadika LC Prima Pristana (LCPP).
well..yesterday kami di LCPP baked some cupcakes accordingly to the monthly theme..
so as for this month (JUNE) is fruits theme
and cos of i just went back from CAMERON HIGHLAND during last school break
so we all the teachers made up our mind
to do the art & craft for this week~STRAWBERRY CUPCAKES!!!
memang kecoh giler kot anak2 LCPP time baking cupcakes tu..
yg xleh blah ada sorg student tu siap ckp lg..
"erm nk bwk blk tp mesti mama ckp 'wah cantiknye'(siap tiru intonasi suara mama ye lg)"
and most of them when they see their cupcakes cantik and tertarik tu
they ols trus jwb nk mkn bila aku tanya nak mkn ke nk bwk blk...
xthn tgok strawberry agaknye...
so mls nk citer panjang korg GenJet jek r gambo2 dibawah...
oh baru ak perasan dah lama giler ak x upload gmbr2 kn....
i mean pix from my lappy....

bermulalah temberangku..ces mcm pandai jek padahal tu ha majalah rasa a heloing hand tersadai ats meja..hehehehe..as it is first time to the kids it is mine also..
khusyuk betol r yeorg ni tgok..

jng tgok jek yek..nnt blk try buat ye syg...

teacher teena yg menjadi photographer on that day..thanks yek..kalo x mmg xde ler muka ak nk tersembul dlm gmbr2...huhuhu

nampak x muka masing2 yg x sbr nk rasa..teacher maz yg ditugaskn meulis nama mereka di bontot cup tersebut...thanks yek teacher maz...

cupcakes yg siap untuk di bake...

sedang menghiaskan cupcakes

and bila dh siap menghias mulalah...
teacher can i eat this now??
so apa la yg teacher korg ni nk jwb kalo bkn...
yes u may dear...
agk2 da x sesapa nk recipe cupcakes LCPP yg telah berjaya dirombak oleh teacher AZNI ni??
nak xnk ni blog wa sukati wa r nk share ke xnk kn?
so apa lg ready ngn mouse than copy pasta kn aje recipe ni...

LCPP Strawberry Cupcakes


butter (aku guna 1ketul jek)
tepung naik sendiri (ikut sukatan butter)
3 bijik telur ayam grade apa ikut suka korg
strawberry yogurt
esen vanilla
perisa strawberry
susu UHT perisa strawberry (dah nama pun straberry cupcakes)
gula secukup rasa tekak korang
sedikit pelembut roti dan biskut (n this is y r kot cupcakes ak ni lembut jek)
whipping cream & fresh strawberry for decoration


pukul butter ngn gula sekaligus sampai kembang
then korg campakkn eh jng campak letak one by one telur ayam tersebut
then campurkn tepung naik sendiri tu...
pastu letakkan yogurt diikuti rapat oeh susu(jng byk sgt nnt adunan korg cair)
then ltk a scoop of esen vanilla and also perisa strawberry.
then apa lagi bake r ngn u ols nye oven...
n word of caution yek dear..
nk deco tu make sure cupcakes tu dah sejuk baru korg deco
if not ur whipped cream tu akn cayor...
then korg deco r ikut sedap mata korg tengok...




  1. teacher, teacher. ;D

  2. yes damea...inilah rutin harianku bergelar teacher tadika...

  3. ok sebahagian dr harga pembelian akn disedekahkan kpd tabung tadika...huahuahau
