

ok i know that u guys akn terkejut kalo aku cakap aku yg join ini nasyid kn???
mmg ler bkn ak tp anak2 di tadika LC Prima Pristana yg join...
tapi ye la kalo x kerana aku yg register kn xde ler kekdahnye mereka join kn??
so the first credit was mine..hehehe...
kekdah citernye idok ler kami ni planning nk join pn..
but as for the organiser peeps dtg anto srt jmputan menyertai ak pn xnk ler mengecewakan harpan merka yg dtg.so aku pun passing r rm30 as the entry fees..
kami tau kami xcukup masa training but hell with it we join for fun
utk meramaikan peserta pertandingan...

so sesampainye kami di surau al-hidayah yg terletak di saujana utama 1 pada jam 8.30am kami pun lepak la di anjung surau tersebut oh ye bkn sj2 lepak tp disuruh melepakkan diri disini...
so ni ler muka2 pengharapan dr ank2 LC Prima Pristana.di awal ketibaan kami di surau..
dan ye bila menyaksikan sahaja kpd unform dr tadika lain yg mengambil bahagian makanye harusler kami merasakan aura juara itu bknlah pd kami..
but alang2 menyeluk pekasam..
but as i mention earlier kami dtg dng niat nk meramaikn peserta n memberikan pendedahan terhadap anak2 tadika kami...
so kami pasrah walau apa pun keputusannye...
so dengan preparation less than 1 week..sedia atau x here we go babeh..all the kids standby for their performance as they being voted for the 1st performance..
nah kau..dah r prepare pn kurang dr seminggu...alik2 kena perform 1st??
mmg best!!preparation tu less than 1 week bcos cuti sekolah kn 2 weeks so mmg kami ni kalut skali r..sampaikn mcm xnk join pn ada rasanye..tp kami tetap maintain..
kalo tgok the other kindys mmg r kn they ols pick all the 6yrs kids..kami jek yg bagi peluang bdk2 4yrs 5yrs join skali..xde hal r...

bila dah dpt naik pentas lain yg dirancang lain pulak yg jdnye..
dah leklok r mereka tu line up kt bwh but when on stage all gone!!kelaut jdnye..huhuhuh
si lead singer girl pn teacher mtk the doll yg pegi bg teacher mic buat apa?
aduyai..pening kepala teacher tau u ols ni..but whatever it is
I AM PROUD of u kids..greatly honest of ur spirit!!
kalo kita prepare awl2 lg mmg MANTOP kitanye performance ank2...

while waiting for the result they ols ni pun apa lagi..x reti nk dok diam..
haish...xtau ler...so teacher pn soh r korg amik kemuncut(erk xtau spellingnye) kita main ngn kemuncut tu...ni la aksi luqman hafiz ngn aqil faidhi sambil diperhatikan oleh aqil danish...
ye teacher tau korg boring dgr pidato yg x serupa mcm pidato tu..
teacher pn lg la penatnye sayang...dh r nk kena hadap pulak muka mamat doraemon tu..lg r teacher x leh blah....

alhamdullillah...rezki kita ada..so tmpt ke3 drp 3tadika yg bertanding...
ok la tu..xsia2 kita prkts selama seminggu ni..
kalo kita tarik diri awl2 x ke kita rugi?
syukur ye ank2 dng kemenangan ini...
next year we try our best n no more last minute preparation ok??
besides the medal tu dpt jugala kita sijil penyertaan yg diterima oleh teacher MAZ
and hamper yg diterima oleh teacher teena..seri pengantin baru x ilang lg kau....
end of 1 part

ok part g best nye apa lg kalo x GOS GOS kn??
aku bkn apa(common intro melayu nk stat mengumpat) cumanye terkilan sedikit r..
oh ini bknlah mksudnye i x bersyukur dng rezki ALLAH s.w.t yg telah menetapkn tmpt ke3 sbg rezki kami yek bahkan aku ni cukupla bersyukur melihatkn kegembiraan ank2 tadika aku ni mendpt medal..
the 1st place dimenangi oleh LITTLE CALIPHS saujana utama..
ok ni aku musykil np ko x guna jek nama tadika ko SI KECIL PINTAR tu???
then ada pulak r sorg hamba Allah ni bertanya..
'eh ada little caliph lain ke?' bila tgok pakaian ank2 aku ni..
then yg kwnnye menjawab..
'eh ni bkn little caliph ni tadika prima pristana'
aduyai...dah sah2 lah ko tgok lmbg kt baju ank2 aku tu LC nye lambang kn..
tp yela salah aku gak patutnye aku pn tulis LITTLE CALIPH PRISTANA bkn tadika prima pristana..baru la org bk mata sikit...
but that was not the biggest issue..its ok kalo dah da org notice pn there is another LC nearby...
cukupla dng itu...
the biggest issue for me is..the lead singer for LC SAUJANA tu merupakan ank si owner tersebut!!n yes its ok if the boy is his student, i mean still in range 4-6 yrs preschool..but hell no..
helloooo i worked there for almost 4yrs back n during that time his son is already 4yrs..so now supposedly he is in std 1!!!not in preschool anymore!!s**t!!
come on i know that u r desperately need the winning but using the appropriate way will u???
n i know that u r always like utamakan ur own kid but come on...this is preschool competition...u still have loads of student u can choose!!
n what the hell are u doing in front of the stage while ur student perform?
judges, cant u see that??how can u let him conduct the performance..it is a competition if im not mistaken!!so what the hell are u trying to do??he stand there doing all the routine and movement for his students!!this isnt fair at all!!kami 2 tadika lg xde bg sbrg btk direction pn kt our student and if only i knew that papers are allowed on stage!!punye la kami riso ank2 kami x hafal lyrics and all that but they there are holding a piece of paper in hand!!
if only LC Saujana utama x wat seperti itu kami redha dng kemenangan mereka becos they deserve to win with their appearance and all that and what makes me wonder more how was 6yrs student can able spoke
'eleh no 3 tu kn kalah nak gembira2 buat apa?'
dush...1 tumbukan terasa..
biarlah anak2 kami nk merasai nikmat kemenangan..sekurang2nye mereka menang secara bersih..tanpa mengharapkan bantuan dari std 1 student and teachers conducting infront!!they doing what they had practiced for 1week period..and they deserve to feel the victory spirit!!

but whatever it is to all anak2 LC Prima Pristana teacher Azni is proud of u ols!!
we can try our best next year...



  1. byk spelling error nie kak..hahha..tp sy ckop gmbire dpt join conduct dak2 tdika LC prima pristana..

  2. std r tu..org2 professiona mmg slalu typo cos fast typing kn?hahahaha~
