

urghh...how dusty my blog is..hehehe...
ok for real there is nothing to jot down actually...
sajer nk menghilangkan debu2 cinta di blog ku ni...
erm apa nk citer erk?...
movie??erm..its being a while since the last movie i watched!!so definitely not!!
gossip??it hurts..so no way..
jammed what im gonna wrote down??idea pls.....
oh ye..ada...cuaca..
yes the good choice..
for a few days malacca ni diselubungi dng cuaca yg LEMs...owh...
blanket pls...hehe..finger cross mmg x pernah went thru this weather actually..
for 17++yrs i being living in this beautiful loving country never nemo..yup never...
hujan mencurah curah sejak beberp ari non stop!!yay nemo NON STOP..read my words NON STOP!!kalo snow ni mmg jalan dh kena tutup psl tebalnye snow ats jln raya..haha~
back then when i was a kid when this musim tengkujuh appear mmg heaven r..
nak2 lagi kalo kt kampung..wow..best giler..trun senyap senyap...
men ujan blkg umah smbil ngekol(panggil) my buddies utk playing together under the rain..
cey..kunun2 air yg trun kt the longkang tu mcm waterfall ar..so i was like playing there n do the kuak lentang yg x kemana...n all the lopaks2...hahah..what a great memory..tadah kepala kt ujung atap..wowweeee....rindunye kenangan silam..that time mmg xde r nk cover2 ni..aku redah jek suma lopak2..ok boleh thn jugak ak ni time kecik2...

nowadays nak wat camtu suma??erk~mau pingsan org2 tgok..ank2 gjh berlari2 dlm ujan ni...no way..theres just no way!!but hey come on pls gv a way!!pls??sgt2 missing the old days...


erk...what it is all about..i??go to china?ya right u there!!
so here it goes..i will be off to china or in exact place~GUANGZHOU in about 5days and 4nights starting from tomorrow 6/01/2011 until 10/01/2011..
try googling bout this guangzhou apa yg ak terjumpa just they all used to spoke cantonese
and i was like helloooo..cantonese?u got to be kidding me!!yg ak tau just basic mandarin tu pun sekadar..ni hao..yg len2 kena bk kamus blk..huhuhu~dead~
so how was me communicate there??alamak!!!moms~
dah r in my head ni dh bermacam2 benda nk shopping and then if me failed in the communication so how was i be able to get things cheap??damn~
then terbaca r pula..they also know a lil bit of english..fuh!!lega~
so nemos i will be off to china!!the communist country and do pray for my safety!!
opsie...me not yet change the atmcard and also maxis for roaming..so how am i supposed ti update myself??erk~my bad...