
aku punyer dah besar..yeay!!

ingat x lagi entry aku pasal terbeli underage joeys??kalo x ingat n agk2 nk genjet blk gmbr lama korg leh ler klik kat SINI...and skang aku dengan bangganye mengumumkan my joeys dah gemok gedempol!!teheee....

pix latest kakak..*suka..suka..suka..*

then skang ni bila main2 jek ngn yeorg mmg yeorg akn cr kepalaotaku ni..memula tu xbg ler..tp td disebabkan nk tgok how far they goes bila ak bia jek yeorg..and nak tau kesudahannye?GenJet jek gmbr dibawah *btw abaikan tali2 tangsi berwarna itam tersebut*

mereka sudah jumpa favorite spot!!

aku pun xtau ler yeorg masuk ikut mana 1....

and see how big ekor mereka sekarang??

now mummy puas ati..u guys manage to growing up beautifully!!for those yg jadik ala2 aku wandering here n there psl underage joeys ni..here some tips i nak share ngn u ols...but it depends on ur joeys actually..if my joeys diet suits urs go ahead...tp kalo korg bg diet cam aku still gk poo mereka caiyaq utk a week u guys better stop doing it...

  1. seminggu pertama aku bg mereka milk replacer but after a week tu yeorgnye poo(oh bahasa pasar malamnye TAIK) cair and ada bad odor yg ak xleh blah so aku stop fed them with milk replacer well for sure after hun's advise...
  2. keep on feeding them ngn epal cos seller tu mmg dh bg mkn epal time aku dpt even time tu gigi yeorg pun ala kad jek..means that no teeth development yet!! tp mereka licking that epal so aku guna jari pun boleh..gunakan kuku utk sagat the epal smpi kua jusnye..jng lak korg sagat lebih2...wat ala2 small hole kt slice of epal tu...
  3. pastu bg yogurt..memula bg plain yogurt but then rasa mcm x best jek so aku bg r perisa buah buahan.. and hingga menjilat kuku kaki kau..
  4. and aku bagi boiled chicken/egg untuk mereka punyer protein..
  5. makan lak suma handfeed ok??tgok penyanyang x penyanyang nye aku..padahalnye i got my lesson from past jng biakan makanan yeorg dlm cage!!*tehee
  6. yang paling penting korang hangkut jek kemana saja korg pergi..yes i did my part...bwk mereka dlm clas/lab and even masuk wayang..well my joeys tgok citer zookeeper dah..korang ada?hikhik..tp time dlm wyg tu letakkan dlm tangan korg and aku siap lari carik stoking kat FOS..penghangkutan kemana saja ni penting bkn sj utk bonding process tp utk ur observation..
  7. benda yg korg kena elakkan bg mkn before ur joeys reach 2month is MEALWORM!!and yes aku x bg pun mereka HPW sebab aku xnak sejarah berulang..until then korg kena feed them dng air tgn korg sendiri..well air tangan mummy kan lebih afdhal..hehehe
so pada mereka yg masih tercarik2 tips yg sesuai bolehler start amalkan cara aku ni ha..sebab aku sudah buktikan yg aku berjaya membesarkan underage joeys hingga size yg sepatutnye...tp suka diingatkn lagi skali, kalo diet aku ni x sesuai utk joeys korg u better stop it and ask hun at suggies at home...



  1. haha! i like your post, hurm, baby and I have been watching tonnes of movies now.. but i takkan bawak dia kalau movies yang melarut after 12 anymore, buat susah hati sajaaaa...

  2. oh i bwkn jek..tp i pegang ltk dlm tgn so they warm n my hand pn warm gk..hehehe..benefit both ways...
