

ok..it is true..this time n3 got nothing to do wit me..normally..
tp bila tiba lua biasa makanye inilah kejadiannye..
me..out to gym!!
syabas azni!!
adala dlm 2 ari gk ak sdh menjinak2kn diriku ini..
berbekalkan paksaan drp housemates ku si adilah aris...
makanye ak menggagahkan diriku ini utk pergi..
location of the gym yg ak pergi is at TAMPIN
near to GIANT Tampin of cos..
i think it is a community gym
cos charge fee is only rm3 per entry..
very the cheap la kn??..
yg bestnye 1st time pergi wit ak selamat dlm poket cos pkck yg jg tu xde..hehheeh
but 2nd time its gone..
pkck yg bergigi itam tersebut telahlah meminta wit drp kami semua...
oh..tp jangan mengharapkan kalian akn ketemu sama saya setiap hari...
krn i bkn the gym's person...
i sayang my LEMAKS so much!!
aku nak bebel panjang pun mcm malas..
so baiklah GenJet kn jek pix yg ak smpt snap..
oh yeay this time around got no face of mine at all..
i just hate being saw in wet condition!!

xtau apa kenama benda ni..
tengok si syima ni wat macam senang jek..
tapi bila sendiri wat..
humak ai..harus ak wat 5min jek..dpt ler juga 30cal terbakar..
sangat2 penat n lenguh betol keadaan kakiku ini...
cycling ni pun tengok jek mcm senang padahalnye..
hanya tuhan yg tahu..
or it mighta be me only??
oh only god got the answer..

thing that i can stay longer is only this treadmill..
but just after finished it my head was like going to heaven!!
shite..this thing always makes me dizzy!!

oh thx so much shelian cos willing to be model for this thing!!
ok nama aku memamang(menunjukkan aku betul2) tidak tahu yek..
tp this thing korang leh adjust heavy levelnye..
untuk korang2 yang mmg sangat2 superb bab mengangkang(pasalnye suma yg agkt berat pasti akn tekangkang aku tengok) berat boleh r adjust level of heavy yek...
tapi untuk yang ala2 aku jek kita letak pin tu kat the first besi jek..
cukup le nemo..

overall the gym looks like in this pix..
cukup ler untuk aku yang baru menjinak jinakkan diri dalam arena work out ni..
seandainyela aku masih tinggal sekedudukan dengan makndakku lagi..
pastinya kami akan melakukan workout bersama dirumahnye..
setiap kali pulang dari opis..
so laporanku dari gym tampin abis disini dahulu..
andai kata ada pembaharuan lain (yela mana ler tau tetiba muncul abg ketul2 yang ensem)
akan aku uploadkan lagi di n3 lain yek..


yow..kalo diikutkan title n3 ni mcm panjang giler r pulak
mcm ak nk bg ceramah pun ada..nahhhh~
it never happens here in my blog ok..
no ceramah2 as my blog ni jus for having fun jek...
cuma nk sharing things i read in past few years..
hellamak...lama nau baru nk share..
bkn apa nemos at the time ak read this thing..
i am not into this kind of world..
blog for sure what i mean...
so apa lagi GenJet jek bnda ni ek...

Men Are Hard To Please..is it true??well lets check it out gurls....and for some men that do read my blog....here it goes..

If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him;

If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.

If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;

If u Don't, he says u are a tramp.

If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;

If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.

If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;

If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.

If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;

If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?)

If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;

If u do!! he says u are CHEAP.

If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;

If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.

If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;

If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.

If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;

If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.

If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl;

If he SMOKES, he is a GENTLEMAN.

If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;

If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.

If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;

If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!

& sooo hard to please!!!!!

If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true.......

but if u don't, they say u are selfish.....

so apa kata we alls layan video ni lu and for all men out there...
the lyrics that can inspired u on winning a women's heart!!
trust me as i am a women to be...


rite after i've got my money these are the things i need to have for my own good sake!!

it doesnt matter how was the look for this particularly cooling pad!!
as long as it having a super large fan on it!!
current cooling pad of mine so not int their good function!!
always happen to made my lappy down!!! shite~
so i am definitely will go and get one!!!
desperately need this thing!!

u can called it wasting but i am craving for this thing long time enuf!!
so would definitely going to have some before my money go no where...
its being like ages craving this thing!!
and i would not turn my 'perut' hunger more!!
"u will have this soon enuf darling.azni's promise!!"(talking to my perut la~)

erm not that desperately needed..
jus for fun and if having buddies to get along...

arghh if only i could jus do this...

ur wish azni..ur wish...

oh my WQQ..wish u were here..
hey i do paid my car installment myself ok??
paid by myself since i was worked at JABATAN KIMIA until now..
so peeps yg mkayah byr keta kau jng nk byk bunyi ngn ak ok???

6)bills..bills..and bills...
what else if not this maxis!!
oh kinda contribute to that Batu Caves statue..
and they already gave me the so not friendly reminder though!!!!

those three at the bottom are WAJIB monthly comitment ok??
when will i have to stop paying all those things...serabut~
~di ant~


here we go again...
well another video uploaded by me myself..
erm actually got another one that have to be uploaded first..
but dont know what happen dkt utube ntah...
ak punyer la overnite my laptop semata utk upload the vid..
tup2 early morn td uploaded failed..shite~
i promise i gave another try but same result occured!!!
so i put that damn vid away while im uploading the next vid..
and here it goes..done with the uploading..

hello....can u get back to the title u beauty charming writer(nek lip(lift) lak ak ni)!!!

ok back to the title indeed..
this time tutorial vid is for sharing an idea..
wont find the same bloddy vid out there in utube or anywhere else as it is my 1st idea!!
yeay nemos this earrings shawl mmg dtgnye dr idea ak sendiri..
i am not plagiarised or copy from any other sources...
it is originally from WAN NOOR AZNI BT WAN A.R. AZIZAN herself...
its happen at one nite when outing ngn dila kt JONKER WALK..
kan yg ak citer kt prev nye entry..
jumpa earrings yg comel n murah..
so dng penuh excited try dlm kereta gk..hehehee....
so i decided to share with all the beautiful readers of my blogs..
SHARING is CARING indeed...

so here it goes...
just wanna share this beauty tip for u gals for i love to see beautiful girls surround me!!
so GeneJet the video...hope u gals enjoyed!!!


another tutorial video uploaded by me!!hehehe..
at last!! managed to upload this video after 3 times trial!! yippie (eh trigt akaun maybank zmn kanak kanak dulu)
so hope everything went well..

but this time its colorful eyeshadow yg ak mmg jarang put it on my face!!
just a few days back time aku nyelongkar my makeup bag..
then terserempak with eyeshadow ni yg inspired me lot!!
nak2 lagi i have the same exact color shawls..
so apalagi..harusla a gv a try on it..
and the results was soo amazing....

also forgive me ye nemos cos of the background 'music' tu..
it comes from my (act not mine its hanis atiqah props) usb fan..
korg GenJet kn jek video ni ek...
jng lupa tambahkan bilangan follower aku ni..hehehehe~
~luv u gals~


yeah nemo this time entry adalah kesinambungan dr yg lepas..
xpuas at kn..cos gambar x banyak..
so sempena nak menyambut earth hour semalam (26/3/2011)
eleh sebenarnye takut bosan xtau nk wtpe dlm umah..
so ak ngn ML(my luv) pakat g JONKER WALK ni..
then dak2 umah sekali tp ktorg grk kereta lain2..
so pe kata korg GENEJET(dak2 bio tau apa benda ni)jek aknye photo this time around..yeay nemos..

ni le si dila ngn syima (sori ziti ko lambat sgt)

rumah kami yg sudah bersiap sedia menyambut earth hour 2011 seawal 8.25pm..

ok yg x bestnye ALOR GAJAH x sambut yek earth hour ni...sigh~

sempat le ak snap ini pix..katanye pernah menjadi Mr Malaysia..patut ler ada bangunan kt area JONKER WALK tu nama ye..

as i mentioned on the prev entry kt JONKER WALK ni u gals can find anything that u want including those beautiful dress..actually byk lg dress yg cantik2 n have those urban style..trust me as it is great great dress so the price shud be those great also..just stndby ur mone..those dress here in jonker walk wasnt so cheap yek...

ha..sapa kata these old folks cant dance?hehehe..i think they mighta have a club yg active in these entertainment area..u gals leh lpk2 n if u r dare enuf u gals can join them dancing at the bottom floor..jng r lak nk overshadow these beautiful old folks..u have to see their dancing n singing..they got talent..n way better than i does!!

this shu shu very da bomb!!likey~tnpa jari pun leh tulis han zi ngn sgt baik..yeay nemo wayyy wayyy better than my han zi writing!!! cayo' shu shu!!

as u wish for ur home deco u can get those lovely old painting for only rm20 for 5 pieces!!

utk kipas susah mati FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, UTUBE(which xde dllm pix ni tp wujud) korg leh dptkan these nicey flippers!! urghhh...want one....pls?? hehe

normally BARBICAN but rite here in JONKER WALK u gals can try these magnifying fruit juice!! try one and u want more..its rm4 per bottle but its rm10 for 3 bottles...(makcik u can hired me now on..heheheeh)

believe it that those beautiful creature is made only from wired...hey mmg creative r they ols ni..

here in jonker walk u gals can find so many things to eat but for muslim just have to be more cautious r as if yg jual mknan ni ramainye chinese..mcm yg pix ni chocolate fruit candy..mmg chinese made it but i think boleh kot cos guna buah n coklat jek..n taste yummy~

pelbagai rupa jenis lampu utk dijadikan home deco n also for bedroom..utk mendapatkn suasana yg romantik gitu...

untuk yg rajin lampu camni mmg cara r..korg kena setup sendiri utk get those luvly shape..

and as for me..as usual i will get those incredible earrings to be paired with my shawls..(ops sori xde masa lagi nk upload tutorial shawls with earrings) 6pairs for rm5..kita kasi close up sikit gambar earrings tu...
ok sila abaikan model yg muka mcm jeruk kelubi tersebut..yg perlu difokuskan adalah pd earrings yg sgt sweet n trendy tu..go n grab some so that u can be such a stylo person!!! yeah...
sekian dahulu laporan dari JONKER WALK untuk korang..n i'll definitely will going there time da wit nnt utk cari hair clips lak..chaw chin chaw...


Life at Malacca mmg sumpah susah nak jadi boring..
it is boring if u havent had a penny in ur pocket and no transport though..
i cant hardly denied as the tagline VISIT MALACCA MEANS VISIT MALAYSIA..
it is 100% agreeable!!!well by me...
so last weekend as my luv xde di bumi melaka terchenta ni..
panjang la kakiku melangkah bersama teman serumah DILA..
setelah keboringan yg teramat ditinggalkan ber2..
kami pun decide utk visit MALACCA...heheeh
fyi kalo kt negeri melaka ni mmg jika sebut MELAKA its mean bandar MELAKA
as if their capital city name MELAKA bukan alor gajah yek..
ktorg start menggerakkan diri in the evening cos kami planning to go to JONKER WALK

rupa bentuk ketika kaki melangkah kua dr umah di mana mekap masih steady..(oh tolonglah abaikan cik jerawat di mukaku itu)

bertemankan si dila n berkakikan kancilnye la kami mengGAGAhkan diri ke bandar MELAKA..
hanya the two of us yek memandangkan housemates len got their own agenda...

sekadar gambar hiasan yang membuktikan we ols sampai di JONKER WALK..yeehhaaa~
model yg xbegitu nk ikhlas tp telah dipaksa oleh amber..hahaah...sori dila...
yela kang kalo aku hambik gambau sendirik org kata kang byk sgt entertheprame..
so let it be sumone else..aite??
so we ols pun jenjalan jenjalan and 1st gerai yg kami singgah adalah....

ye nemos kedai jual spec dan itu adalah model amatur kita yek..
just after i snapped this pix baru we ols perasan sign tersebut..
hehhee..sori ye tuan punye kedai..x perasan r...
lenkali letak bsr sikit baru sy boleh nampak..hehehehe
pergi mampus ngn ko la..kecoh!!ada aku kisah???
helloooo this is JONKER WALK a place for photographer..come on...
just a small booth and ur demands is too much lao ban!!!
berbalik pada cerita JONKER WALK ini disini u gals can find lot of things in here such as...

1)fridge magnetics and so many more household accessories including those rare one..

2) subang subangan yg berbagai rupa bentuk pd harga yg sgt cannot be denying!!juga gals accessories yg len2...

eh banyak lagi la..tp nye ak just snap this 2 pix jek...then jln punye jln ak termasuklah di satu kawasan yg i've never been before ever since i came to JONKER WALK..

it is JONKER WALK HERITAGE PARK and mari kita selongkar apa yg ada dlm this world heritage park yg btol2 WORLD punyer...

oh ada gajah besi..apa lagi yek yg ada???

eh eh..lembu tembaga pun ada???wow...lagi..lagi....

oh ada copper dragon r siap pegang mutiara naga dragonball lagi...wow..kagumnye saya...
lagi??apa lagi ada kt JONKER WALK ni??

dah dah le tu..ak pn penat kot jln kt sini...repeat again its JALAN..yea mmg jalan sahaja
diketika wallet cuma dibayangi dengan beberp notes merah shj...so at that nite mmg org ramai giler..its mighta be cos of school break kot..so loads of peeps ambushing JONKER WALK..
eventho my wallet digenangi only a few red notes i myself managed to had a blast dinner ever(ala sedey x amik pn gmbr)Hajah Mona Assam Pedas yg kat Kota Laksamana tu..mmg kaw r ASAM PEDAS DAGING TETEL ditemani nasi putih and for greatest companion telo masin sebelah n sayur kobis/toge grg...and airnye teh o ais limo..and for dila's dinner just only the ikan parang jek...last but not least yg paling mahal ak spent on that nite is..

tadaaaa....the earrings r..x nyempat2 ak trus put on the earrings dlm keta gk..amacm?stylo tu..
this only cost me RM1 for each earrings n trust me i do have another 5 which make it all together 6 pair for only rm5!!sori yg len ak x snap pn gmbr nye...
yeay dan ak nekad utk kembali mendapatkan those earrings yg sgt comel n murah...heheh..
oh lupalak sila abaikan muka model yg x semenggah mana tu..yg penting disitu adalah subang tersebut yek..yeay..
and i'm definitely will going there again!!!


ok GALS how i wish my story just like this!!it is an amazing story if its ever happen!!



congratulation and celebration....

alamak ey..kecik jek gambonye(curik dr fb mommy)

whatever it is i am officially MAMA AZNI
congrates from me yek kak yah(i used to call her kak yah instead of nadia)

~iklan sejenak~

aku baru jek added my afzanians frens yg mmg dh lama giler lost contact..
tup2 terjumpa r blk di fb ni..
n bila tgok2 kt page they ols..wow masing2 sdh pun berumahtangga
yg dlm waiting list(engaged r tu) pn ramai..
yay cant admit that im kinda jeles there..
but what to say..
it is not my time yet..
then out of sudden my dearest cousin have to be induce today cos overdue already..
the time she said aroun 9days late..mmg lambat la kan?
so just now she uploaded her 1st baby picture and stated there its 3.9 kg..
then its tell a lot r kan sebab overdue tu..
but at least bila tgok gmbr baby tu mmg sgt2 r puas atnye..
very the comel ok??
dng berat sedemikian dan kelahiran normal..
i have to call her super mommy from just rite now!!
its such an amazing for her to gave a normal birth with that baby weight...
ok azni sampai time ko nanti camne r kn..
stop it r azni u r not married yet so dont talk bout this thing yet..
get urself marriage life then only u can talk bout this..
ok nemos after this ak akn citer psl kawin lak..
mud nk kawin ni dh memberontak sgt2 ni..hahahaha...


well jus nk inform all the nemos out there....

yg aku dah dng slamatnye.....

men deletekan one post.....

regarding my tutorial basic makeup....

bila dikenang2 my blog.....

wasnt a women's private blogs only..........

so man can view it also.....

and for some reason its being deleted for heavens sake...

mmg bila diimbau kinda sayangnye...

but babes....

its for my own good....

.M.O.V.I.E.R.E.V.I.E.W::World Invasion:Battle of LA

helloooo there...
nak share sumthing psl movie..rsanye mcm dh lama giler i didnt post anything for the movie review..well bkn apa pn lately mmg every movie that i went i just give 5min trial b4 the movie watching me..heheh.

the latest movie i went to watched is WORLD INVASION:BATTLE OF LA...this movie is AWESOME dude!!serious shit!!mmg SUPERB!!its worth every single penny u spent!!when the time my BF bought the ticket via maybank2u we are like the 2nd person in the house but in time we are in there its almost full house!!!

story begin when a mysterious objects thought to be meteorites crash into earth's ocean at near several major city.the story centers around Staff Sergeant Nantz (cast by aaron eckhart). he is nearing retirement after losing some men on his previous war when he being called to assist 2nd Liutenant (erk x igt nama ye) in the evacuation of civilians when biomechanical killing machine(alien r ni tp sort of having a heart) invade. the platoon was ordered to go downtown LA and try to save civilian which they found at breakdown police station where the combat action starts. before they managed to get to the police station they being ambushed by the aliens in so many timeand at the same time they encounter US Army soldiers and an Air Force Technical Sargent Santos(they all panggil using her 1st name so xtau nama btol ye sapa)the Marines commandeer a bus for evacuation. During this ordeal, the staff sargent nantz find out the aliens weaknesses by the help of civilians whom veterinarian used to be and being told by the technical sargent santos that the alien attack aircraft are remote-controlled drones.the Marines speculate that there must be a central command center, and that the destruction of this command center would eliminate control of the alien drones, crippling the enemy forces. one of the civilians whom having his son with is wounded after firing on the aliens. the 2nd liutenant wounded and sacrifices himself to destroy an enemy unit by detonating explosives inside the bus, shortly after placing Nantz in command of the platoon.

erm nk citer lebih2?u gals better watch by urself to get the burst out of ur eyes!!siyes ak leh lak menangis time ayh bdk tu mati..sedey woo and time si staff sargent tu diperkotak kasutkn oleh salah sorg platoon yg mana abgnye mati time last war ngn staff sargent tu.mamat tu xpuas at tp bila sargent tu sebut satu2 nama together with the pangkat and yg xleh blah siap sebut their id no baru r mamat tu mcm respek sikit r kt staff sargent ni.eisyh mmg citer ni terbaik r stakat yg ak dh tgok ni..yela dr nk perabiskn wit tgok si MERONGGENG tu mmg x r...


ok dah alang2 siap upload kt utube so jus nk share ngn korg cara2 menggunakan shawl licin spt yg tlh dijanjikan..ni simple jek..xde nk susah sgt pn..utk g clas sgtla digalakkn....mls cter pjg lynkan sajer....


apa dia?she's updating her blog twice a day?wow...u getting an expert touch la azni!!heheehhe~
oh tp bila mengenangkn yg jarum jam menunjukkan 1'oclock in the morn so it doesnt sound like twice in a day..its on different day but still its an improvement for me!!yeay~

so n3 this time lak nak sharing sumthing utk mereka yg suka berparty!!its saturday nite fever!!see ya in da club..hehehehe...not only that, u girls can apply it when having an event such as dinner,prom etc...so let me sharing sumthing about those smokey eyes yek..the simple one but yet if u gals manage to blend the color it will be awesome!!

hope u gals njoy watching it n dun forget to follow my blog as im gonna be an active blogger now and upload all those tuto's...oh also dont forget to comment ya..ur comments means lot to me!!pece no war~


wah semakin rajin ak update blog ak ni...syabas azni!!

so dis entry masih pd tutorial lg but for dis time around its all about the shawls!!yeay!!
at last what is being requesting is successfully updated!!so to all my classmates khasnye n pembaca my blog umumnye(eleh poyo mcm r ramai nk bc blog mrhan ko ni)here is the tutorial..
hoping that u girls love it n can leave a comment..

p/s: rasanye kalini xde word faulty kot..heheheh~bertambah expert dh ni just it stil unedited version...MALAS sebenarnye!!